Ukhuselo Lwa-Bantwana Edu-Sport is a safe hub. “Ukhuselo Lwa-Bantwana” is a Xhosa word meaning: Child Protection / Children safeguarding. The hub is a project of Inkwenkwezi Youth Development.

Inkwenekwezi Youth Development offers sporting programmes to better the lives of underprivileged youth – mainly through integration of physical and educational activities in the school curriculum, three times per week in school and five times per week out of school.

Problems tackled at the hub

Poverty, the lack of future prospects and socio-economic-political marginalisation shape the daily lives of many young people and are important structural causes for anti-social, risky behaviours. Young people’s frustration results in a propensity for violence and unsafe behaviour.

The hub is an out-of-school facility; it is 60% focusing on primary school learners and 40% out of school. We use non-formal, informal educational techniques to impart skills and knowledge. Currently, the organisation employs netball, football and cricket as a conduit to pass this knowledge – in order to develop children cognitively, physically, mentally and emotionally.


The hub is targeted at an age group between 1 and 25 years, with 60% females and 40% males – both able bodied and differently abled – in a rural context.

Theory of Change

Safe hub’s Theory of Change gives the theoretical framework on how, through our facility and programmes, Safe-hub deals with challenges faced by young people.

The framework gives a logical, visual discription on how the hub supports young people, over a pariod of time, by positively impacting how they think and behave. And, thereby, contributes to accumulative societal change.

100% of Inkwenkwezi Youth Development core operational cost and running expenses are covered by grants and donations made for and designated as being specifically for this purpose. This allows Inkwenkwezi Youth Development to ring-fence all other grants and donations for utilization in other projects.

With your generous support, Inkwenkwezi Youth Development will be able to build a youth-friendly safe hub with the main focus on sport for development in the context of life skills, entrepreneurship, skills development, jobs and learning.

Inkwenkwezi Youth Development is able to ensure corporate funders, grantors, donors, sponsors and partners that every cent they donate is channelled directly into providing the identified needs.


Account holder: Inkwenkwezi Youth Development

Bank name: First National Bank

Account: 62752127938

Branch code: 212117

Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

Branch: Peddie