Afrozania: with COVID-19 (Corona virus) in our shores, the nutrition programme has come to a halt, leaving many destitute families and children not knowing where the next meal would come from.

In response to this, Inkwenkwezi Youth Development has launched a series of food distribution programme until the 24th of December 2020, with first distribution taking place on the 30th of June 2020. The campaign #ZeroHungerDefeatCovid_19 is aimed at assisting households of children attending the ECD centres are currently supporting. Currently, we stand at R10, 000.00 voucher donated by Sport for Social Change Network.

We hope to raise R50, 000 every month. The assistance is sought to achieve the following strategic objectives:
• To prevent and reduce stunted growth, and improve child development outcomes for the
vulnerable children;
• To ensure infants and toddlers receive nurturing care and developmental services;
• To reduce malnutrition;
• To decrease school drop outs;
• To reduce childhood diseases and illnesses;
• To improve academic results of children right from early childhood development to primary
school level; and
• To promote early childhood sport and nutrition to improve educational outcomes.
These food parcels will help them redirect already reduced monthly incomes towards other necessities.
50 food parcels have been distributed for sustainable livelihoods of these households. Zamuxolo Educare Centre – Inkwenkwezi Youth Development legacy project – were the recipients of the food parcels.